Prints are made using Kodak's Type-C Chromogenic photo paper. These fine quality prints are meant for the person who enjoys photography as well as the extraordinary music. The print should be framed or stored in an acid free environment. They must be handled with care. Prints are signed and numbered by the artist, Bob Seidemann.

'Late for the Sky', Edition of 30
Photograph created in 1974, printed later. Kodak Type-C print. Signed, dated and numbered by the photographer in ink on the front with copyright stamp on reverse.

Image size-approximately 17 by 17 in 

'Late for the Sky', Edition of 100
Photograph created in 1974, printed later. Kodak Type-C print. Signed, dated and numbered by the photographer in ink on the front with copyright stamp on reverse.

Image size-approximately 14 by 14 in

For Pricing and Availability Please Contact:
artplane @ sbcglobal Dotnet

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